Willis Earl Beal Songs
has 5 songs in the following movies and TV shows.
Too Dry to Cry
Bleed For This2016
Pazienza prepares for and arrives at the Dele title-fight.
Orange is the New Black • s3e12 • Don't Make Me Come Back There2013
Sophia is taken to SHU. End credits.
The Blacklist • s6e8 • Marko Jankowics2013
Dembe asks Marguerite is she's even been to Scotland; during his kitchen shift, Red goes to wipe down some tables and stabs a guy with a kitchen thermometer.
Nobody knows.
Mystery Road • s1e2 • Blood Ties2018
Second song at the pub.
Burning Bridges
Coming Through
Heartbreak High • s2e5 • The Demon King2022
Rowan turns to face Amerie, who is texting. Her look is compassionate.