Karen O and The Kids Songs
has 12 songs in the following movies and TV shows.
Worried Shoes
Where the Wild Things Are2009
Max walks into the room and finds his mum talking on the phone. She is worried and Max dances for her before telling her a story about vampires.
Where the Wild Things Are2009
Song when Max runs away from home after an altercation with his mother. He runs into a park and starts yelling.
Where the Wild Things Are2009
First song. Opening credits. Max is humming outside in the snow as he builds an igloo.
Where the Wild Things Are2009
After Max is made king by the creatures they all run through the forest to the ocean cliff side.
Rumpus Reprise
Heads Up
Where the Wild Things Are2009
KW decides to bring the owls, bob and terry, back to the fort. Max and KW walk back from the beach.
Building All is Love
Where the Wild Things Are2009
The creatures start to build there new home and fort with Max. They start by tearing up boulders, rocks and trees.
Where the Wild Things Are2009
Max explores the miniature structures made of sticks. Carol fills it with water as Max watches.
Sailing Home
Where the Wild Things Are2009
Max sails home after the creatures see him off. He runs through the street and makes it home.
All Is Love
Where the Wild Things Are2009
Movie ends. First song to play in end credits.
On the Shore
Food is Still Hot
Where the Wild Things Are2009
Max arrives home and his mum welcomes and hugs him. He eats dinner at the table before the movie ends.