Repo Men Soundtrack

List of Songs
Cry Me a River
Arthur Hamilton
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The woman singing at the bar with Remy and Jake. Remy plays it for his wife when he gets home but she turns it off.
Rosemary Clooney
First song as Remy (Jude Law) removes the mans bionic liver.
Release Yo' Delf
Method Man
Camera falls from the future city. Remy and Jake are driving through the city. They harass a fat man with a bad pancreas.
Jah Calling
The Itals
Playing in the background at the bar with Remy and Jake.
54-46 Was my Number
Toots and The Maytals
Playing at the BBQ. Jake sneaks out to do a job in a cab out the front.
Everyday Will Be Like a Holiday
William Bell & Mavis Staples
Remy goes to T-Bone's (RZA) house to reclaim his heart. He let's him finish the song he's working.
I Just Want to Celebrate
Seeds of Love
Song as Remy is narrating his knockouts. After knockout number 1. Song playing while they\'re at war in the tank.
Battling Go-Go Yubari in Downtown L.A.
Remy is narrating his knockouts. During knockout number 2 the strip club while Remy and Jake start fights.
Feeling Good
Nina Simone
Song when Remy (Jude Law) gets his new artificial heart installed.
Sexo Perfecto (En Masse Remix)
The guys get Remy a stripper in a heart costume after his operation. She dances to this song.
After Remy's first job back after his heart operation. Playing in the bar 'Montego Bay' as he tells them how it went.
Hit It and Quit It
1h 17m
Asbury (John Leguizamo) plays this song at his place as he's repairing Alva. He starts arguing with Remy.
Samba De Verao
Harry Garfield
1h 21m
Playing in the background as the little girl performs the operation on Alva
Burn My Shadow
UNKLE & Big in Japan
1h 37m
Remy fights the the guards outside the pink door.
Sing It Back
1h 43m
After Alva claims Remy's heart. Remy goes about cliaming all of Alva's artificial organs and body parts.
Dream a Little Dream of Me
The Mamas & The Papas
1h 53m
Remy lying on the beach with Jake at the end of the movie in his virtual reality. Song plays into end credits.
Love Lives
Dave Stewart
1h 55m
2nd song during end credits.
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6 months ago
The way you look at me makes me want to lose myself in the moment. Let's rewrite the script for tonight, with a touch more passion. f1nd me on megangoldberg_mooo_com change _ to dot
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dom (GUEST)
a year ago
anyone know what the song is that plays while they blow up the mainframe after jake kills frank? happens at about 1:48
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Cecilia (GUEST)
2 years ago
What is the song to the beginning of repo men
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5 years ago
piece of classical music played in Repo Men
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5 years ago
piece of music playing at the end of Tom Hanks film "Big"
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