Cherish the Day Soundtrack
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Cherish the Day
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Recent Discussion
What song is playing when she is leaving a voicemail for her mother?
4 years ago
What is the song at the end of episode 3 when Evan tells Gently he loves her. It is instrumental.
5 years ago
What was the name of the song when Miss Luma was sitting on the porch when gently came home with the books and she asked gently did she do it Episode one season one
5 years ago
What is the name of the song in episode 7 / synopsis when they are walking to their car after they just had their first visit with a counselor?
5 years ago
Please tell me the name of the song in Episode 4 when they first start their hike. The lyrics say " I just learned to do without focus on the here and now love will find me". I need this song.
5 years ago
What is the song being sung Evan proposed to Gently while on his knees?
5 years ago
What is the song that played rite after Evan and Gently recited the line from Waiting to Exhale ?
5 years ago
my love by adam robert Thomas
2 years ago
What is the instrumental playing when Evan tell Gently I love you
5 years ago
What is the last song played on episode 5 at the end when she goes to to see him an he proppose again on his knee..
5 years ago
Honesty by Pink Sweat
5 years ago
What is the last song played in episode 7 as they stood in front of each other on a bridge.
5 years ago
What was the first song of the episode?
5 years ago
What was the piece of music played when Evan walked back into the house to help gently clean up
5 years ago