Please Play this Song on the Radio - NOFX

Please Play this Song on the Radio


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We wrote this song, it's not too short, not too long It's got back-up voc's in just the right places It's got a few oohs and ahhs It takes a little pause Just before I sing the anthem Please play this song on the radio Almost every line is sung on time Almost every verse ends in a rhyme The only problem we had was writing enough words But that's okay, because the chorus is Coming up again now Please play this song on the radio Please play this song on the radio Right about this time Some shithead will be drawin a fat fuckin line Over the title on the backsleeve What an asshole! So mr. DJ, I hope you've already made your segway Or the FCC is gonna take a shit right on your head. Can't play this song on the radio. Can't play this song on the radio. Can't play this song on the radio

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