Divine Thing - The Soup Dragons

Divine Thing

The Soup Dragons

1 credits

Heard in the following movies & tv shows


You are the one supreme being, Just dressed to kill and fulfill just any dream. And you are the one heart's desire All hips and lips made to trick just any fool. I could have sworn that you are an angel Cause you're a sweet, sweet, sweet divine thing. But I should have known that you are the devil Dressed like a sweet, sweet, sweet divine thing. And you lack the one thing that is devotion Not always there in your hair in a daze. Just too mixed up in your own emotions; Your vanity will always be your greatest thing. I could have sworn that you are an angel Cause you're a sweet, sweet, sweet divine thing. But I should have known that you are the devil Dressed like a sweet, sweet, sweet divine thing. Divine thing, yeah Divine thing.

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4 credits

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