Happy Together - King Princess

Happy Together

King Princess

1 credits

Heard in the following movies & tv shows


Imagine me and you, I do I think about you day and night It's only night To think about the girl you love And hold her tight So happy together If I should call you up, invest a dime And you say you belong to me And ease my mind Imagine how the world could be So very fine So happy together I can't see me loving nobody but you for all my life When you're with me, baby, the skies will be blue for all my life Me and you, and you and me No matter how they tossed the dice It had to be The only one for me is you And you for me So happy together I can't see me loving nobody but you for all my life When you're with me, baby, the skies will be blue for all my life Me and you, and you and me No matter how they tossed the dice It had to be The only one for me is you And you for me So happy together Me and you, and you and me No matter how they tossed the dice It had to be The only one for me is you And you for me So happy together So happy together How was the weather? So happy together So happy together So happy together So happy together So happy together

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