Night Beds Songs
has 6 songs in the following movies and TV shows.
Borrowed Time

Drinking Buddies2013
Song as Kate sits on the couch with Luke and Jill.
Lost Springs

Revenge • s2e11 • Sabotage2011
Charlotte and Declan are talking on the boat.
Even If We Try

New Amsterdam • s3e2 • Essential Workers2018
Floyd attempts to fix Kapoor's heart with a second heart valves surgery as Max, Lauren and Iggy watch on from the gallery; Ella is helped by Helen through her delivery of her baby.

Saving Hope • s2e17 • Twinned Lambs2012
Alex suggests to Mimi it's not too late for a relationship with Claire; Sara & Ben hold their baby boy; Gavin consoles Maggie; Charlie asks Joel what he has to do for losing their bet, then Joel asks him to give Alex some space.
Cherry Blossoms
Me Liquor and God

Quantico • s1e8 • Over2015
The recruits search through John Marshall Park for the terrorists; Shelby and Caleb are taken to HQ for questioning.