Lay Low Songs
has 7 songs in the following movies and TV shows.
I Forget It's There

Good Kill2015
Tom and Mollie are at odds.
Mojo Love

Grey's Anatomy • s3e22 • The Other Side of This Life: Part 12005
Carol visits her new daughter; Izzie asks George not to transfer; they kiss.

Grey's Anatomy • s3e23 • The Other Side of This Life: Part 22005
in elevator, Izzie tells George she doesn't want him to leave SGH b/c he's her best friend, they kiss, he pulls away & says "we can't" Then door opens & Callie is there, & he & Callie leave.
Why do I Worry?

The Secret Circle • s1e5 • Slither2011
Adam & Diana have 'dessert'.
The Invitation
I Forget It's There
Little by Little
Boy Oh Boy