Gwendolyn Sanford, Brandon Jay & Scott Doherty Songs
has 6 songs in the following movies and TV shows.
Outward Bound

Orange is the New Black • s5e2 • Fuck, Marry, Freida2013
When Frieda is using all of her survival skills in the woods after she is abandoned.
Crazy Peppers

Orange is the New Black • s3e4 • Finger in the Dyke2013
Alex give Piper a list of songs instead of a mix tape.
World's Greatest Job

Orange is the New Black • s3e4 • Finger in the Dyke2013
Song plays when Caputo celebrates in his office.
No No Yes No No

Orange is the New Black • s3e6 • Ching Chong Chang2013
Song plays when Change puts her peas in an empty milk carton.

Orange is the New Black • s4e11 • People Persons2013
Judy, Yoga Jones and Luschek all start making out then sleep with each other.
Larry's Proposal

Orange is the New Black • s3e13 • Trust No Bitch2013
Lorna & Vince kiss after Lorna asks him to marry her. Ford tells them to wrap it up.
The Magical Mystery Chicken

Orange is the New Black • s3e12 • Don't Make Me Come Back There2013
Red is shown the crate of corn in the kitchen.