The Distortoblues Songs
has 7 songs in the following movies and TV shows.
World of Trouble
heard in 1 episode
U Gotta Believe
heard in 1 episode

Shameless • s6e9 • A Yurt of One's Own2011
Lip wakes up in morning next to sex partner in the bunny house.
I Want U (And I Don't Know Y)
heard in 2 episodes

Lucifer • s2e4 • Lady Parts2016
A tipsy Chloe imitates Lucifer, then notices a guy with the same hand stamp as the victims.
Dispatcher Blues
heard in 1 episode
Bustin' Out
heard in 1 episode
Dyin 4 U
heard in 1 episode

The Lying Game • s2e1 • The Revengers2011
Sutton talks Ethan take a ride on his motorcycle.