Lee Williams & The Cymbals Songs
has 6 songs in the following movies and TV shows.
I Need You Baby

Extrapolations • s1e7 • 2068: The Going-Away Party2023
August receives a call from someone while Sylvie reminds him to prepare for the party.
Peepin' (Through the Window)

All We Had2016
Rita and Ruthie enters Marty’s diner.

The Deuce • s1e2 • Show and Prove2017
Diner scene; 2nd song Plays as Candy says yes to substituting in the "blue" movie; Darlene tells Larry about the movie of her Fat Mooney is selling.
It's Everything About You

Luke Cage • s1e5 • Just To Get A Rep2016
Claire's mom tells her not to play with the salt shaker, then Claire explains about the powered people she has encountered and how she wants to help them.
I Need You Baby

The Flash • s4e4 • Elongated Journey Into Night2014
Cisco tries to convince Gypsy to tell him her real name.
Please Say It Isn't So
I Love You More