Fruit Bats Songs
has 8 songs in the following movies and TV shows.
Rainbow Sign

Six Feet Under • s4e6 • Terror Starts At Home2001
Anita invites Russell & Jimmy to take a shower.
Lightning Bug

Our Idiot Brother2011
Playing in the car with Arabella, Ned and Miranda.
When U Love Somebody

Youth in Revolt2009
Nick runs away from Sheeni's trailer after Trent shows them all the letter at dinner. He runs from the cops through the woods.

Upload • s3e7 • Upload Day2020
Nora is working really hard to be ready for Nathan's upload day.
You're Too Weird

Revenge • s1e3 • Betrayal2011
Adam sneaks into Charlotte's room.
Humbug Mountain Song

Better Things • s5e9 • England2016
The Fox family relishes the streets of London. However, the mood changes when Sam receives a call about her dog falling ill back home.

Nashville • s5e12 • Back In The Saddle Again2012
Juliette gets a message from Hailey as she waits for Maddie; Juliette apologizes to Maddie for pushing too hard.
The Bottom of It

Upload • s1e3 • The Funeral2020
Nathan calls Jamie.
Getting in a Van Again