Foxes Songs
has 12 songs in the following movies and TV shows.
Devil Side
Let Go for Tonight

Gossip Girl • s5e21 • Despicable B2007
Blair tells Dan that the reason she was trying to steal his spotlight is that she lost her 'true self'; Carol signs over power of attorney to William; Ivy begs Lily for a place in her family; William informs Lily he'll sign over Carol's half of the estate to her, then asks if she'll take care of Lola; Serena asks Lola to stay away from her family; Lola takes the access information for the Gossip Girl website; Chuck poses a theory to Nate that Jack is his father.
Talking to Ghosts

Quantico • s1e19 • Fast2015
Liam announces to the NATs that Drew left, then talks about coming to terms about who they are; Nimah and Raina meet their new handler; Caleb leaves with his father.

Quantico • s1e19 • Fast2015
The NATs work on a climbing wall; Shelby comments on Alex and Drew's estrangement; Shelby tries to convince Liam that Will was beat up by the cult that Caleb is involved with; Drew slips on the climbing wall.

Gossip Girl • s5e20 • Salon Of The Dead2007
Rufus is informed his bank card was declined; Serena post to Gossip Girl about Lola leaving; while in bed, Blair & Dan argue about Damien Hirst's work; Chuck deals with the news about Diana; Lola tells Carol she's done with the Upper East Side; Gossip Girl sends Diana a message reminding her she has another secret.

The Rain • s1e1 • Stay Inside2018
Simone and Rasmus dance to this song.

The Bold Type • s2e10 • We'll Always Have Paris2017
First song at the party as Kat stresses upon Adena's arrival.

The Kardashians • s2e1 • I Have Something To Tell You...2022
Everyone gathers around the table at the baby shower, enjoying food and conversation.
Holding Onto Heaven
Night Glo
Count the Saints
Sister Ray