
Joel McNeely Songs

has 48 songs in the following movies and TV shows.

Western Simulation - Joel McNeely | Song Album Cover Artwork

Western Simulation

heard in 1 episode
The Orville

The Orville • s1e3 • About a Girl2017

Ed, Gordon and John in the Environmental Simulator.


Arriving on Moclus - Joel McNeely | Song Album Cover Artwork

Arriving on Moclus

heard in 1 episode
The Orville

The Orville • s1e3 • About a Girl2017

The Orville and Moclan Fleet ship captained by Vorak arrive at Moclus; Ed, Kelly, Claire, Alara, John and Gordon arrive down to the planet via shuttlecraft as they do they see how industrialized the planet is and learn of their haphazard use of the planet as a testing zone for weapons.


Trip to the Mountains - Joel McNeely | Song Album Cover Artwork

Trip to the Mountains

heard in 1 episode
The Orville

The Orville • s1e3 • About a Girl2017

Ed, John and Alara their way into the mountains on Moclus; Returning with Ed, John and Alara, Heveena makes herself known to the court.


Tribunal Adjourned/Epilogue - Joel McNeely | Song Album Cover Artwork

Tribunal Adjourned/Epilogue

heard in 1 episode
The Orville

The Orville • s1e3 • About a Girl2017

The Molcan courts arbitrator adjourns the tribunal sending the decision to the arbitration council; (repeats) [0:38] the trial is officially adjourned after the council's decision; Bortus is left alone to brood in the courtroom; the baby is returned to Bortus and Klyden after medical treatment, they return to the ship; Bortus and Klyden promise to give Topa the life he deserves.


The Orville

The Orville • s1e4 • If the Stars Should Appear2017

The Orville stumble upon two-thousand years old ship, drifting through space, and set to collide with a nearby star in six months they decide to explore; (repeats) [0:36] Ed and the team take Tomilin and Kemka inside the Hull of the ship where they make their way to the bridge.


Exploring the Bio-Ship - Joel McNeely | Song Album Cover Artwork

Exploring the Bio-Ship

heard in 1 episode
The Orville

The Orville • s1e4 • If the Stars Should Appear2017

An exploratory team consisting of Ed, Claire, Issac and Alara enters the bio-ship via shuttle; the team explore the exterior of the ship only to enter a vast ecosystem inside; the team decide to slip up into two teams to explore the ecosystem within the ship.


Finding Alara/Space Battle - Joel McNeely | Song Album Cover Artwork

Finding Alara/Space Battle

heard in 1 episode
The Orville

The Orville • s1e4 • If the Stars Should Appear2017

Alara calls Ed to inform him that she's been shot; (continues) Ed, Claire, Issac and Tomilin find Alara bleeding out in a field; Claire tends to Alara wounds; the Orville takes on the Krill to protect the Druyan from transportees.


Dorahl/The Roof Opens - Joel McNeely | Song Album Cover Artwork

Dorahl/The Roof Opens

heard in 1 episode
The Orville

The Orville • s1e4 • If the Stars Should Appear2017

Isaac finds and plays a recording left 2,000 years ago by the final ship captain, Jahavus Dorahl, who explains the purpose of the bio-vessel what happen to ship and its inhabitants after leaving their home planet; (continues) Issac retracts the upper hull of the ship allowing for the inhabitants to experience nighttime while also revealing to all the truth of their world; Claire marvels at the sky and quotes Ralph Waldo Emerson.


Krill Attack the Orville - Joel McNeely | Song Album Cover Artwork

Krill Attack the Orville

heard in 1 episode
The Orville

The Orville • s1e6 • Krill2017

The Krill ship stops attack Kestra 4 and turns its weapons on the Orville; With the Orville rapidly looking deflectors, Ed is forced to be innovative with his plans to defeat the Krill; Gordon and Bortus initiate Ed's plan to defeat and protect the colony; the Orville finds an intact Krill shuttle.


Bomb Found - Joel McNeely | Song Album Cover Artwork

Bomb Found

heard in 1 episode
The Orville

The Orville • s1e6 • Krill2017

Ed and Gordon decide to investigate the source of the magnetic interference and find an enormous Krill bomb several decks below them on.


The Orville

The Orville • s1e6 • Krill2017

Ed and Gordon enact their plan to cause discourse on the Yakra and stop the Krill's attack on Rana 3; an intruder alert is sounded for Ed; Ed knocks out the lights in Teleya's classroom and asks for her stay put with the children; Ed faces off against the Krill as he searches for Coja; the ship arrives at Rana 3; Haros calls for the weapon to be prepared for launch as Gordon watches.


The Orville

The Orville • s1e6 • Krill2017

Ed manages to find Coja and races back to the classroom for the UV blast goes off; the Yakar fires on Rana 3 on Horas' orders; the UV blast emits, killing the Krill on board in lights path; Gordan manages to gain control of the ship's weapons array to fire torpedoes at the bomb; (repeats) [0:43] Teleya warns Ed that the children he save will be his enemy one day after his actions against the ship.


Sucked In - Joel McNeely | Song Album Cover Artwork

Sucked In

heard in 1 episode
The Fight - Joel McNeely | Song Album Cover Artwork

The Fight

heard in 1 episode
The Attack - Joel McNeely | Song Album Cover Artwork

The Attack

heard in 1 episode
Emergency Landing - Joel McNeely | Song Album Cover Artwork

Emergency Landing

heard in 1 episode
The Orville

The Orville • s1e12 • Mad Idolatry2017

(continues) [0:10] [0:11] [0:12]


Walking Through Town - Joel McNeely | Song Album Cover Artwork

Walking Through Town

heard in 1 episode
Spread the Word - Joel McNeely | Song Album Cover Artwork

Spread the Word

heard in 1 episode
The Orville

The Orville • s1e12 • Mad Idolatry2017

(continues) [0:33] [0:34] [0:35]


Gordon/Unmasked - Joel McNeely | Song Album Cover Artwork


heard in 1 episode
The Orville

The Orville • s2e4 • Nothing Left on Earth Excepting Fishes2017

In the Mess Hall, Ed confesses his current relationship with Gordon, who previous has a crush on Janel; (repeats) [0:10] Cloaked from the Krill, Ed and Janel soon find the Krill returning back to their position and venting drive plasma covering their clocked shipped and allowing the Krill to disable their ships engine; [0:11] A Krill Destroyer seizes the shuttle with a tractor beam.


The Orville

The Orville • s2e3 • Home2017

Alara takes on last look at the bridge then takes a shuttle to Xelaya with Gordon and Ed; Gordon and Ed marvel at Alara homeworld as they shuttle across the planet to Alara's family home.


To the Island - Joel McNeely | Song Album Cover Artwork

To the Island

heard in 1 episode
The Orville

The Orville • s2e3 • Home2017

Ildis and Drenala Kitan take Alara and her sister, Solana to the family's beach house on Xelaya for some family bonding time; the Kitan family are greeted by the caretaker, Serris, who tells him the island is deserted; Solana spots a wild eevak and goes to pet it; (continues) [0:18] Later during the evening, Alara fantasizes about being human and riding a eevak along the beach; Alara spots a light on in a neighboring house.


Hope for Alara/Amputation - Joel McNeely | Song Album Cover Artwork

Hope for Alara/Amputation

heard in 1 episode
The Orville

The Orville • s2e3 • Home2017

Alara and Solana take their families conveyance pod to Serris' cottage across the island as they ride they have a heart-to-heart; (repeats) [0:34] Cambis and Floratta prepare to make an example out of Solana by vivisection when a Union Shuttle arrives.


The Orville

The Orville • s2e3 • Home2017

Panicking, Floratta holds Alara, Drenala and Solana at gun point as Cambis forces Ildis to handle the Union offices; Ildis attempts to persuade Ed to leave only for Cambis to shoot Ed when he refuses to leave; (continues) [0:36] Alara finds her strength returning and surprise attacks Floratta, eliminate her; Alara orders her family to hide; Cambis leaves Ed to return to the house where he and Alara face off against one another; Ed and Gordon find Ed's gravity suit loosing power after being shot; (continues) [0:38] Alara requests for her father to help Ed while she takes care of Cambis before her strength depletes; Alara takes out Cambis; (continues) [0:39] a wounded, Illdis finds Serris body in the garden as makes his way to Ed, dragging him into the shuttles safe gravity field.


Alara Says Goodbye - Joel McNeely | Song Album Cover Artwork

Alara Says Goodbye

heard in 1 episode
The Orville

The Orville • s2e3 • Home2017

In the Shuttle Bay of the Orville, the senior staff gives Alara a silent, tearful farewell with hugs; the bridge crew watch as Alara returns to Xelaya; (continues) [0:47] In his office, Ed opens Alara's parting gift; a jar of pickles.


The Orville

The Orville • s2e4 • Nothing Left on Earth Excepting Fishes2017

With the sun rising on the planet, Ed and Teleya decide forgo Teleya's plan to search for higher ground to send the distress signal for shelter away from the growing light to wait for night fall again to protect Teleya from the light; (repeats) [0:37 - 0:39] Sans Teleya, Ed climbs to the top of the mountain during the daylight hours and sends a message to the Orville, which sets course to the planet.


The Rescue - Joel McNeely | Song Album Cover Artwork

The Rescue

heard in 1 episode
The Orville

The Orville • s2e4 • Nothing Left on Earth Excepting Fishes2017

Climbing back down the mountain, Ed finds the Chak'tal soldiers have picked up his trail; Ed hiding Teleya skins from the sunlight with his jacket attempts to guides Teleya to the mountain peak; (repeats) [0:40] Arriving to the star system, Kelly orders Gordon and Bortus down to the planet to attempt a rescue; [0:42] Teleya turns over her gun to Ed so that he can protect them from the Chak'tal; (continues) Gordon manages to daring home to rescue Ed and Teleya.


I'm Letting You Go - Joel McNeely | Song Album Cover Artwork

I'm Letting You Go

heard in 1 episode
The Orville

The Orville • s2e4 • Nothing Left on Earth Excepting Fishes2017

Ignoring Kelly's objections and the possibility of a court martial by the admiralty, goes forward with his plans to release Teleya; Ed informs Teleya that he is releasing her and asks for her to call her people; (continues) (0:43) the crew marvel at the Krill Destroyer class ship and worry about the risk Ed is taking; (0:44) Inside the darkened Shuttle Bay, the Krill arrive for Teleya.


Kaylon Take Command - Joel McNeely | Song Album Cover Artwork

Kaylon Take Command

heard in 1 episode
The Orville

The Orville • s2e9 • Identity (2)2017

The Kaylon Primary forces Ed and the other bridge crew to placate and deceive the oncoming ship, the USS Roosevelt and its captain, Captain Marcos; (continues) [0:10] After saluting offer Marcus a "13-button salute," a code that signals a "hostile force has seized control and Union Central must be notified," the Primary having figured out the meaning of the code has the Roosevelt swiftly fired upon as it attempts to leave.


The Orville

The Orville • s2e9 • Identity (2)2017

Ed is taken to the airlock on Deck 7 for "punishment," there a young ensign is locked into the airlock; (continues) [0:12] Isaac unsuccessfully attempts to save the ensigns life but is order to the Bridge by the Primary; (continues) [0:13] the Kaylon Secondary releases the airlock and the ensign is sucked out into space, freezing to death, Ed is forced to watch; the armada jumps to quantum drive, leaving the ensigns corpse in the darkness of space; (repeats) [0:18] Yaphit steals away from the crawlspace of the ship to the Armory where he distracts and kills a Kaylon guard, retrieves a PM-488 Titan for Bortus in the shuttle bay; (continues) [0:19] Bortus kills the guards guarding the Orville's crew; Talla opens the shuttle bay doors as Kelly and Gordon board a shuttle; [0:20] Kelly and Gordon abscond by shuttle to Krill space; after being alerted to the humans actions, the Primary sends New Kaylon at sent to the shuttle bay and sends a Sphere pursues the shuttle; [0:21] Ed assigns Yaphit on a mission to send a message to Union Central with Ty himself as an assistant be the next smallest of the group to fit into the crawlspace to help with signal scrambling.


The Orville

The Orville • s2e9 • Identity (2)2017

Isaac rips Primary's head off and shoots Kaylon Secondary and Kaylon Tertiary in order to protect Ty; (continues) [0:32] Isaac takes Ty to the Bridge where he fires upon the Kylon Bridge crew than inputs an EMP code to deactivate all the Kylon including himself but not before instructing Ty to open the shuttle bay doors and to inform Claire that he is 'sorry'; Ty tells Isaac that his family loves him; (continues) [0:33] Ty leaves Isaac after the pulse of electromagnetic energy, making his way to dead Kylon soldiers to the shuttle bay, freeing the Union crew and families; [0:34] the Orville crew regains control of the ship just as the armada arrives at Earth, luckily The Union ships within range stand between Earth war fleet and the Kaylon Armada ready for battle.


Battle for Earth - Joel McNeely | Song Album Cover Artwork

Battle for Earth

heard in 1 episode
The Orville

The Orville • s2e9 • Identity (2)2017

Battle erupts between the two warring fleets; Several ships on both sides are destroyed though the Union fleet begins to bears the brunt of the casualties; (continues) [0:36] Admiral Halsey reports to the Orville over communications that the Union has 32 ships destroyed or disabled and the Kaylon only six; Admiral Halsey's ship the USS Spruance is disabled; [0:37] 5 Kaylon Spheres break off from the pack ending towards Earth; Six Union ships give chase and attack, including the Orville, with the Spheres returning fire; [0:38] Heavy damage is done with the Union ships including the Orville who begin to plan a suicide mission to stop the last Kaylon Spheres from reaching earth when the Krill Fleet arrive to the battle; [0:39] Kelly introduces Captain Dalak to Ed as the Krill join the battle; [0:40] WIth a temporary alliance of Krill and Union forces the tide in the battle is turned; Gordon piloting a Krill Destroyer manages to take a Kaylon Sphere; The Orville itself loses its upper quantum ring when it collides with a lesser Sphere; [0:41] The Union and Krill made to take over the battle with the Kaylon Armada retreating; [0:42] Dalak tells Ed that Avis brought them together for a reason; The Krill force leave Union Space to return home; [0:43] After experiencing shutting down a Kaylon, Yaphit decides give a try at managing to restart Isaac as the crew debating on re-activating him and manages to restart Isaac.


Frozen Planet - Joel McNeely | Song Album Cover Artwork

Frozen Planet

heard in 1 episode
The Orville

The Orville • s2e14 • The Road Not Taken2017

[Union Listening Post - Sarin IV] Ed and Gordon arrive at the Union listening post on a ice planet when Kaylon attack them, they manage to get what they came for then run for their lives.


Ice Moon - Joel McNeely | Song Album Cover Artwork

Ice Moon

heard in 1 episode
The Orville

The Orville • s2e14 • The Road Not Taken2017

With their quantum drive offline, Ed and Gordon head to a ice moon in an attempt to hide from pursuing Kaylon; Ed and Gordon take on the Kaylon coming after them.


The Orville

The Orville • s1e3 • About a Girl2017

The crew of the Orville breaks up an extremely large asteroid on a collision course with planet Elnath 4 with a "cutting beam" followed by a "shoving beam" to move the pieces out of the path of the planet; Ed and Kelly are alerted of Bortus call for a transfer; Ed relieves Bortus of duty.


Distress Call - Joel McNeely | Song Album Cover Artwork

Distress Call

heard in 1 episode
The Orville

The Orville • s1e6 • Krill2017

In the Mess Hall, Alara, Bortus, John and Isaac congregate as test Bortus' Moclan digestive system when their all called to the bridge due to a distress call; the Orville detect Kestra 4 being attacked by the Krill.


The Orville

The Orville • s1e12 • Mad Idolatry2017

(continues) [0:38] [0:39] [0:40] [0:41]


The Orville

The Orville • s2e4 • Nothing Left on Earth Excepting Fishes2017

Locked away in the brig of the Krill Destroyer, a Krill prison guard questions Ed about the command codes which Ed refuses to give; (continues) [0:15] Seeing Janel being tortured Ed gives the guard his Planetary Union command codes; (repeats) [0:19] the Krill ship finds itself under attack, with the power down in his cell Ed attacks the guard and Teleya; (continues) [0:20] as the ship is attacked by the Chak'tal, Ed and Teleya make attempt to make their way to an escape pod; [0:21] Ed and Teleya flee in an escape pod to the surface of a nearby terrestrial world, they crash land into a swamp.


The Orville

The Orville • s2e9 • Identity (2)2017

The Kaylon Armada head on a course towards Earth and Union Central, spearheaded by the captured Orville; Ty not understanding that Isaac is dangerous attempts to rush past the Kaylon guards to see him but the guard grabs him while the second guard shoots Talla, who rushes to stop him.


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