The Futureheads Songs
has 4 songs in the following movies and TV shows.
Decent Days and Nights

The O.C. • s2e19 • The Rager2003
Ryan, Marissa, Summer & Seth check out Zach talking to Reed, who Summer thinks is just a random hottie, at the party at Caleb's mansion- somehow word has gotten out that there's a rager.

Grandma's Boy2006
The camera first shows the Brainasium building, after Alex is forced to sleep at the office, before Samantha wakes him up.

The O.C. • s2e16 • The Blaze Of Glory2003
The song plays as Seth and Ryan walk across campus thinking about this year vs. last year. Meanwhile Seth decides Marissa & Ryan should get back together. Later, the song plays as Marissa struggles to build the bonfire horse and Ryan shows up to help.

Gilmore Girls • s5e10 • But Not As Cute As Pushkin2000
Rory & Anna meet Marty in the bar.
Work Is Never Done

Ugly Betty • s4e4 • The Wiener, The Bun & The Boob2006
Worst jobs montage.