The Dimes Songs
has 5 songs in the following movies and TV shows.
Catch Me Jumping
Eli Stone • s2e12 • Tailspin2008
Paul shows up at Maggie's office.
Coming Home
One Tree Hill • s8e13 • The Other Half Of Me2003
Jamie & Nathan shoot hoops & talk about best man speeches as Julian joins them; Haley finally gets up & is given a Maid of Honor gift from Brooke; Jamie drops off Julian's note for Brooke.
One Tree Hill • s8e10 • Lists, Plans2003
Brooke tells Haley she's having problems reworking her wedding plans; Nathan tells Jamie he needs to study; Julian finds Brooke's old list of things she wanted to do.
Take Me Away
One Tree Hill • s8e21 • Fligthless Bird, American Mouth2003
Mouth remembers commentating with Jimmy at the River Court; Jamie tells Nathan about the Snipey Plover; Haley checks out Brooke's old store; Alex, Brooke, Quinn & Lauren check into a hotel.
Don't You Worry
One Tree Hill • s9e7 • Catastrophe And The Cure2003
Chase gets a phone call calling him to active duty, then realizes he was in bed with Chris.