Grey's Anatomy Soundtrack
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Season 7
Episode 18 • Song Beneath The Song
How We Operate
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Owen sings as the staff argues over how to treat Callie; Meredith & Cristina tease Alex about Lucy & his hickie.
Runnin' On Sunshine
Jesus Jackson
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Callie sings in her dream reimagining the car trip; Ben sings as he dances with Bailey; Owen sings as he & Crisitina make out in their kitchen; Henry sings as Teddy checks on him; Alex sings as he & Lucy fool around in his trailer; Bailey, Teddy, Arizona, Lexie & Meredith sing to their significant others.
Cosy In The Rocket
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Callie sings as she looks at her injured body.
Chasing Cars
Snow Patrol
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Callie, Owen & Bailey sing as the staff meet Callie's ambulance; Mark asks Arizona what happened; the staff try to determine Callie's injuries, then rush her to the O.R.
Get Set Go
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Bailey, April & Lexie sing as Mark & Arizona argue whether Callie or the baby is the priority; Avery fills Lexie in on the plan for Callie; Cristina looks at an x-ray; Meredith & Derek discuss Callie chance of recovery.
Breathe (2 AM)
Anna Nalick
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Lexie sings as she's with Callie in the O.R., then The Chief sends Lexie to stay with Mark; The Chief asks Lucy about her plan for the baby; Lexie finds Mark; Alex sits with Arizona.
Universe & U - Acoustic Extravaganza Version
KT Tunstall
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Callie & Arizona sing at Callie's bedside.
The Story
Brandi Carlile
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Callie sings as Arizona sits at her bedside; Mark sits with the baby; Lexie goes home with Avery; Teddy tells Cristina she can't teach her if she won't listen; Callie opens her eyes.
Kate Havnevik
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Callie, April & Lexie sing as Callie is rushed to the O.R.; Mark & Arizona sit in the observation room.
How to Save a Life
The Fray
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Owen, Meredith, Teddy, Mark & Callie sing as Cristina starts the heart operation & the others continue working on Callie; Arizona takes over work on the baby as Mark looks on.
Grey's Anatomy Cast
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Callie, April & Lexie sing as Callie is rushed to the O.R.; Mark & Arizona sit in the observation room.
The Story
Grey's Anatomy Cast
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Callie sings as Arizona sits at her bedside; Mark sits with the baby; Lexie goes home with Avery; Teddy tells Cristina she can't teach her if she won't listen; Callie opens her eyes.
Chasing Cars
Grey's Anatomy Cast
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Runnin' On Sunshine
Grey's Anatomy Cast
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Callie sings in her dream reimagining the car trip; Ben sings as he dances with Bailey; Owen sings as he & Crisitina make out in their kitchen; Henry sings as Teddy checks on him; Alex sings as he & Lucy fool around in his trailer; Bailey, Teddy, Arizona, Lexie & Meredith sing to their significant others.
How to Save a Life
Grey's Anatomy Cast
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Owen, Meredith, Teddy, Mark & Callie sing as Cristina starts the heart operation & the others continue working on Callie; Arizona takes over work on the baby as Mark looks on.
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Bailey, April & Lexie sing as Mark & Arizona argue whether Callie or the baby is the priority; Avery fills Lexie in on the plan for Callie; Cristina looks at an x-ray; Meredith & Derek discuss Callie chance of recovery
How to Save a Life
Grey's Anatomy Cast
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Danny Lux
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